Thursday, October 2, 2014

Physics and International Mindedness

Getting Physics across National Borders:  
Thinking locally and acting globally using local examples and extending to International examples broaden students reasoning in Physics.  In one of my lessons, I used ancient philosophers such Aristotle, Archimedes, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein to show how knowledge and certain concepts about motion evolved over time, each person improving on another one’s idea. These philosophers are of different origins and different countries to show that if we think locally and act internationally, we will have a better understanding to knowledge and creativity.

IB Mission statement versus Our School Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement: We aim to prepare students to study in the best universities of the world who should distinguish themselves in the global community upon graduation. This we wish to wish to apply by assembling a highly qualified and dedicated faculty that will deliver a holistic curriculum within a multicultural setting that develops critical thinking abilities and lifelong learning skills. In so doing, we will become a school known for academic excellence where students are not only trained to be full persons, but also adequately supported in the university selection and application processes
The similarities come at the level of developing lifelong learning approaches and critical thinking which makes learners knowledgeable. Cameroon is multicultural country and this aspect integrates IB curriculum perfectly. The difference is that the IB mission statement does not address the issue of admissions into Universities depending on careful professional based subject selection criteria. The curriculum is very rigorous but poor subject selection will not give students the advantage over others on international stage.